All Alliance locations will open at their normal business hours on Friday, January 24 and remain open 2 hours later than their standard hours. Additionally, Alliance's Addis and Reiger locations will be open this Saturday, January 25 according to their normal business hours. Hours by Alliance location can be viewed here. Occupational medicine services will be available according to the schedule above.

Alliance Safety Council completes expansion plans for emerging technologies center

Alliance Safety Council has acquired 11030 Industriplex Blvd. to develop the new Alliance Emerging Technologies Center (Alliance ETC) to focus on the future of learning technology and training process innovation for business and industry. Training programs will continue to be held at the Reiger Road Headquarters, Gonzales, Addis and Walker locations, as well as at other training partner locations in the Baton Rouge area and throughout the nation.

This new facility will provide an environment conducive to design thinking and also innovative content development and delivery technologies that will transform the adult learning experience. We are here to support our members and our training partners, so they can in turn be responsive to the changing needs of their workforce,” said Kathy Trahan, CEO of Alliance Safety Council.

In a sale that closed today, Alliance acquired the 26,400-square-foot building and more than two acres including parking for an undisclosed amount. The building was listed for lease at $25,500 monthly prior to the sale.

Founded in 1958, Alliance Safety Council is a founding member of the Association of Reciprocal Safety Councils. This national network is responsible for the standardization and auditing of reciprocal safety courses to minimize redundant training and allow contractors to get credit for training as they travel from facility to facility. Alliance provides more than 8,000 companies with training and technology solutions and assists more than 300,000 individuals to meet OSHA and other training requirements needed for work.

Jan Lass, chairman of the Board of Directors and vice president of Construction Services at Cajun Industries, reflected on the reason for the non-profit’s excellence: “Louisiana has the best skilled craftsmen in the world. At Alliance, we strive to honor the contributions of our contractor workforce. We’re working hard to keep up with all the changes our industry experiences and we strive to be an organization reflective of our industry’s commitment to safety, quality and efficiency.”

Originally focused on construction, petrochemical, pulp and paper, and power industry safety training, the “learn anyplace, anytime” model of Alliance has grown what was once just a local program into the second largest safety council in America. Alliance, in partnership with LSU, is also one of 26 national OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, with four public training centers in the capital region and offerings covering both pre-employment to post-hire courses for use in a wide range of industries.

Alliance works with others in the community to build, maintain and grow America’s workers every day. “Our ongoing partnerships with GBRIA, LSU, LCTCS, and other safety councils and educational institutions offer us the ability to support those entering the industry,” Trahan added. “The reciprocal training model enables us to get employees to the jobsite gate-ready. We are looking forward to developing even more innovative ways to support our members’ success.” 

Headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Alliance Safety Council delivers instructor-led, on-site computer lab and online safety training to workers through more than 100 authorized training providers in 31 states and two countries. Alliance developed and licenses nationally standardized programs such as the Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS) and PowerSafe. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, Alliance also fulfills its mission to improve the safety of our community through popular programs like Adventures in Safetyland, CPR, First Aid, AlertDriving training and car seat checks.


Each year, Alliance helps over 270,000 workers become job-ready with best-in-class training and technology solutions. In every state and around the globe, Alliance delivers timely content with one goal in mind: To create a workplace that’s safer and a workforce that’s more productive.

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