For over 60 years, Alliance has worked diligently to equip workers across the nation with the knowledge necessary to stay safe while on the job so they can return home to their families each night.
We invite you to view and share this video focused on fire safety. Fall is the perfect time to enjoy fire pits, but they lead to 10,000 house fires each year. Remember to place your pit on level ground in an open area at least 20 feet away from any other structure, and always extinguish a fire before leaving. Let’s stay Safer Together.
For over 60 years, Alliance has worked diligently to equip workers across the nation with the knowledge necessary to stay safe while on the job so they can return home to their families each night.
We invite you to view and share this video focused on storm safety. Knowing your trusted sources and having the right material on hand makes it easier to respond safely and quickly when a storm is headed your way. Let’s stay Safer Together.
Alliance Safety Council offers online fire safety courses. SAF Fire Extinguisher Basics identifies the different classes of fires that may be encountered. SAF Fire Safety focuses on how to prevent and extinguish various types of fires.
During the month of October, which is Fire Prevention Month, these courses are available in Alliance’s Pyvot Explore platform for free.
Promo Code: SaferTogether
ThinkSafe.ThinkFamily is Alliance Safety Council’s off-the-job safety awareness program, dedicated to improving safety in the community and at home.